Legacy Fund Society awards legacy funds to not-for-profits across Alberta
“The Legacy Fund Society is pleased to announce that we have awarded $655,000 in grants to 35 not-for-profit sport and community organizations across Alberta,” said Guy Pelletier, Legacy Fund Society Chair. “The grants support a wide variety of projects across the province. These organizations and their respective projects build on the numerous legacies of the 2019 Games.”
Through a grant application process in early 2021, the Legacy Fund Society received and reviewed funding requests for 200 projects from nearly 150 organizations at a value of over $7.1 million.
“The response to our call for applications was phenomenal. There was no shortage of meaningful and innovative projects,” said Pelletier.
"The 2019 Canada Games in Red Deer were truly transformative and continue to foster meaningful legacies across Alberta," said Kelly-Ann Paul, Senior Vice-President of Host Relations at the Canada Games Council. "These legacy grants will enrich and uplift organizations and communities as we strive to strengthen the fabric of Canada through the power of sport."
Requests for funding were reviewed and evaluated based on their alignment with the values of the 2019 Games and distributed in four categories: athlete and coach or official development; infrastructure or equipment development or acquisition; sport development capacity building; and non-sport or discretionary projects.
The following is a listing of the organizations who were awarded funding:

For additional information, please contact:
Guy Pelletier
2019 Canada Winter Games Legacy Fund Society Chair