“We’re thrilled to open registration for the Canada Games Activity Challenge and that teachers across Canada can now sign up their students for this fun, free program developed to promote daily activity and physical literacy,” says Tom Quinn, Canada Games Council Chairman. “The Challenge is also an exciting and unique way for kids to get involved in Canada’s 150 and the Canada Games’ 50th anniversary. We look forward to inspiring dreams and building champions in classrooms and playgrounds across Canada with this initiative.”
The window for teachers to register their classes runs from November 17th, 2016 to January 27th, 2017. Schools who garner 100% participation from their classrooms will be recognized.
To sign-up, visit canadagames.ca/activitychallenge
“The celebrations for the 150th anniversary of Confederation represent a unique opportunity to get our youth moving to ensure they have a healthy future,” says the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage. “In 2017, the Canada Games Council will challenge young people to stay active by promoting the benefits of sport and physical activity. All young Canadians are invited to sign up for the Canada Games Activity Challenge.”
A Canada 150 Signature Project, the Canada Games Activity Challenge is an interactive program designed to engage children from Kindergarten to grade 7 in an effort to build daily active healthy habits. The challenge will feature three consecutive 1-month modules that will kick-off on February 13th nationwide.
“This program is a great opportunity to get your whole class involved in learning to be physically active together,” says Bo Hedges, Canada Games Activity Challenge Ambassador. “Having the peer support keeps physical activity fun and stimulates learning."
Today, Hopewell Avenue Public School becomes the first elementary school in Canada to sign up for the Canada Games Activity Challenge. The Ottawa, Ontario public school is the third largest elementary school in the Ottawa Carleton School District, and teaches grades jk-8 with a student population of about 950.
The online physical literacy tracker and rewards program will inspire the 90% of youth who are not currently meeting the recommended daily amount of physical activity, and support elementary teachers in delivering physical literacy at school.
Participants in the Canada Games Activity Challenge will stick to a daily activity program, based on the principles of physical literacy. These fun activities and interactive challenges are developed to build healthy, habit-forming behaviors in students and will empower teachers with a database of age-appropriate and skill-specific activities, linked to Canada’s Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model. Students will also participate individually at home, challenging themselves to accomplish personal bests. These efforts will be supported by a web-based application to help track participation and motivate—using the principles of gamification.
The Canada Games has been developing this program with the support of some of the nation’s leading physical literacy experts, along with the help of our national sport and government partners. The program will reach thousands of students across Canada.
For more information about the Canada Games Activity Challenge, please contact CGACinfo@canadagames2.ca.